As always, the American Red Cross is on the ground to help families deal with their physical needs such as safe shelter and hot meals, as well as helping them with the emotional strain created by this "wait and see" disaster.
The American Red Cross - Dallas Area Chapter is helping too. One volunteer who specializes in Red Cross nursing services has already headed to the area and another will fly out from DFW Airport in the morning. More volunteers are standing by, waiting for the call to action.
Even if you're not going to North Dakota, you can still make a difference. Consider helping in a number of ways:
Call 1-800-RED CROSS or go to to make a financial gift.
Become a volunteer by contacting the Dallas Area Chapter at When the next disaster strikes, you'll be ready.
Give a pint of blood in honor of the thousands of people in North Dakota and Minnesota who can't do that right now. Call 1-800-GIVE LIFE or go to to make an appointment today.
Keep up with the latest on the disaster relief operation by visiting the Red Cross Online Newsroom at
Jolean Rook a disaster health services EMT from Hopkins deployed on saturday-this is her first deployment and has been a volunteer since hurrican Ike. Gary Wilkins from Dallas county followed this morning and has been providing disaster relief to thousand of disaster victims for many years.