If saving lives is your goal, then taking a Red Cross class is your path to achieving the goal. Several classes are planned next month at the Chisholm Trail Chapter of the American Red Cross. Sign up for one today!
“Some people need training for their jobs,” Teresa Filkins, Preparedness Health and Safety Services delivery manager, said recently. “Others take classes for other reasons, but the bottom line is to save lives.”
One such group of potential lifesavers recently finished the first in the series of classes at the Fort Worth chapter. They were a group of people who after completing the First Aid/CPR/AED course would themselves become instructors for the course.
Classes scheduled for August at the Fort Worth chapter include the Blended Learning Class which includes training in adult first aid, CPR, and AED on August 1; an Adult CPR/AED class on August 6; and another First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor’s Course on August 15. The classes are taught by Red Cross volunteers and staff certified in the specific areas.
Costs for the classes, which are offered by the Preparedness Health and Safety Services department of the American Red Cross, vary. To find cost and to register for a class, which is open to the community and small businesses, go to www.redcross.org or call 1-800-redcross at least 24 hours prior to the class meeting date. Here's the full August class schedule for Dallas, McKinney and Fort Worth.
I also looking for american red cross cpr training.